Protect the Wizard
Protect the Wizard
After many battles, the wizard and knight have confronted the evil sorcerer. As the wizard charges his spell the knight draws his sword ready to face the sorcerer's minions…
Movement: WASD
Attack: LMB
+1 Health
Created for Fireside Jam 2022, ranked 3rd.
Developed with Godot, Photoshop and Bfxr.
Music by: Juhani Junkala https://juhanijunkala.com/
Cutscene spell effect: https://pimen.itch.io/
v1.1 Post Jam Update
- Tweaked enemy stats
- Added new enemy
- Enemy spawns has more rng
- Reworked end cutscene
- Health spawns has more rng
- Various UI and sprite tweaks
- Fixed issue with flicker between scenes
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Pretty good! It got quite intense towards the end! But I managed to win on my first try :)
Thanks very much BarrierX :)
Great update ! The new enemy archetypes were a great addition, I specially liked the one with an axe, forcing me to be a bit smarter with my attacks and nice final cutscene !
Thanks RockyMullet, much appreciated! I did have plans for a few more things but feels like a good time to move on to another project.
Godot gang
dope game
Thanks! It's a fun engine, just picked it up recently.
godot gang
Thanks :)